During everyday use of sanitary devices in a household, large amounts of waste waters as well as solid organic waste are disposed into a manhole: fats, oils, proteins, starch, cellulose… Complex processing of all these materials depend on useful bacteria naturally present in the manhole, as these bacteria with their work create necessary enzymes that are key for full dissolution of the waste.
However, a modern lifestyle implies usage of various chemical solutions and materials for personal and general hygiene in the household, such as: detergents, soaps, acids, bleaches, motor oils, petroleum distillates, pesticides, disinfectants, toilet paper, and plastics. Chemicals have a very negative effect on conditions in the manhole. Some change acidity (pH), some decrease the level of the oxygen, while others prevent or completely destroy useful bacteria flora. This violation of the natural biologic balance first causes slow work of the manhole and later to a completely Blocked manhole Ashford due to settling of non-processed waste. The major problem is the settling of non-processed oils and fats in the ground around the manhole, which creates a completely blocked zone that makes a closed box. The content thus pours onto the surface, unpleasant smells spread around and there is an actual danger of infective diseases.
Preventive maintenance of a manhole
As in other aspects of life and work, prevention is the most efficient and financially most acceptable way to prevent the development of major problems, such as a mentioned Blocked manhole Ashford, which in many cases require radical and expensive reparation.
Again, it is important to be aware of the fact that modern life is not possible without chemicals for basic and general hygiene, which can’t be avoided even though they have a very negative effect on natural flows in a manhole.
However, several lab and practical researches have proven that the most efficient (in the preventive sense) are concentrated additives based on multiple bacteria strains that will quickly restore useful flora and maintain necessary positive biological balance in a manhole.